iXL Tutors


Half-Term Fun on a Budget: Free and Affordable Activities for Students

Half-term is the perfect time to relax, reset, and have some fun without worrying about exams or coursework. But if you’re looking for ways to make the most of your half term without spending loads of money. Here are some great free and low-cost activities to keep you entertained and active this half-term.  You’d be […]

Half-Term Fun on a Budget: Free and Affordable Activities for Students Read More »

Helping your teen feed their mind and body

We all recognise the need to eat and many of us also understand that fuelling our bodies well can help them to serve us better. But let’s face it, eating well or even remembering to eat becomes tricky when life gets in the way. We’ve all missed a breakfast or had to chuck a sandwich down us quickly before heading to the next meeting or eaten nothing but crisps and chocolate for tea!

Helping your teen feed their mind and body Read More »