iXL Tutors

Manisha Sahdev

The benefits of using a tutor: a personal view

We’re Anna and Louise, two mums of teens and young adults, and together we run Equipp, a business selling gifts for teenagers. We’re passionate about celebrating teens and helping them to happily achieve their potential. So we were delighted when Manisha from iXL Tutors asked us to share our personal experiences of using tutors; it’s a subject close to our hearts.

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Transitioning from GCSE to A Level

For many young people GCSE results day is a key factor in how they progress in their education, with young people now needing to stay in Education or training until the age of 18, more students are choosing to complete Level 3 qualifications (A Levels, BTEC courses, apprenticeships etc). It is a well-known fact that the transition from GCSE to A Levels is not easy, but we hope to help with that transition by sharing some top tips with you. 

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